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Refund and Returns policy

Refund Policy for Cheerio Premium

Refund can be accessed in below cases:

1. If Cheerio team is not able to provide with a working dashboard within 10 days of payment.

2. If your whatsapp account gets disabled between 10 days to 30 days after creation of WABA account and after registering with Cheerio and your business category does not violate Whatsapp for Business policies  you will be eligible for a refund of all unused Whatsapp credits minus the GST already paid on it.


In order to access refund please write to with your bank account and UPI details and we will issue a full refund within 5-7 working days to your bank account.

Support for Refund

Please write to


In the case of escalation and if 5-7 days has passed since your first email write to

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